nursery part 3: the desk and the stripper…

So as I have mentioned a few times my mother lives with me. She occupies 1 room in my house and infinite space in my head. She also takes up a significant amount of space in my basement. She downsized from a 2 bedroom apartment to a 7×10 room and did not downsize much. It’s important to … More nursery part 3: the desk and the stripper…

Nursery part 2: refinishing furniture or “oh god what have I gotten myself into”

So I knew I was spending money on paint and a rug and what not, and didn’t want to buy too much new furniture so I started looking around the house. I had a black expidit book case and a nice antique dresser that had seen better days(lots of damage from a basement flood and … More Nursery part 2: refinishing furniture or “oh god what have I gotten myself into”

Back porch office turned guest room part 1: furniture and paint

With baby 2 on the way space is a real problem. So my husbands weird small office is becoming a guest room for grandma/live in nanny. Once I had the room emptied out I got to see what I was really working with.   So  yeah it’s a really small space! It’s basically 6feet 4inches … More Back porch office turned guest room part 1: furniture and paint